Paragon Digital Marketing
Paragon Digital Marketing
Paragon Digital Marketing plans to add dozens of new jobs over the next 6 years.
Keene Company Secures BFA Energy Loan to Renovate Former Church
Paragon Digital Marketing received a line of up to $210,000 in financing for energy-saving renovations. Paragon is a provider of online marketing solutions focusing on pay per click digital advertising, search engine optimization, social media management, website development, email marketing, and website analytics. The company is expanding into a unique property in downtown Keene, with the intention of making it its corporate headquarters. The building dates back to 1869 and had been operated as a church. The structure had been vacant since 2010 and needed significant renovations for it to become a usable/energy-efficient office space. Funds made possible through a BFA energy efficiency loan will produce an innovative office environment and provide substantial energy savings each year.
Additionally, BFA financing will allow Paragon to invest in adding 12 full-time positions with plans of adding more employees within the next 6 years.

We are a creative company with growing operations. We are also dedicated to our local community. Our goal with this expansion was to repurpose a beautiful building, while simultaneously creating an inspiring work environment for our company. The BFA was very responsive and helped us to quickly secure the capital we needed for this project. We will soon be enjoying our creative new workspace and the city of Keene is benefiting from the improvement to a prominent structure in the downtown area