Temporary Loans to Businesses

Temporary Loans to Businesses

Short term loans for a wide variety of needs.

Direct loans from the BFA to cover temporary expenses.

Dealing with the unexpected is part of life, especially when running a business. To help companies access capital for short-term needs the BFA offers a flexible direct lending product designed to bridge the gap.

Loans are available up to $2,000,000 and are contingent on satisfactory underwriting. Amortization schedules can be flexible, and loans are able to take a second position behind the company’s primary lender. The maximum loan term is three years.


  • Minimum loan size $100,000
  • Maximum Loan Size $2,000,000
  • Non-profits and for-profits are both eligible
  • Borrower must demonstrate ability to repay financing
  • No minimum collateral requirements

How to Apply

  • Apply online or call the BFA with any questions
  • All loans subject to underwriting and approval from BFA staff and board of directors
  • All loans require approval of the NH Executive Council

Start the Process Now
